I know from past experience that part of acclimating to a new place is getting out and about in that new place.  This is what I have done so far:

* Got a library card, used it, too!
*Attended Church (Cotuit Federated Church) twice
*Attended one church volunteer meeting
*Found a massage therapist and have had two massages already
*Joined a gym - went to yoga, Pilates, learned the weight machines
*Had an extravagant facial ( referred to esthetician by MT)
*Attended a meeting of Cotuit Ketteleers (this is one of the Cape Cod Baseball League Teams) and a big deal in Cotuit
*Sent out a dozen resumes
*Attended Meditation Classes (two so far)
*Signed up for two classes at the Cape Cod Community College (Social Media and a website building class)
*Bought bikes for my son and me - We've rode the Shining Sea Bike Path from Falmouth to Woods Hole
*Got my Massachusetts liscense and tags

So even though it has not yet been a full month, I feel like I have started to get to know a few people (mostly from church), looked for ways to take care of myself and looked into getting involved in the community.  I still need to find (paying) work though, but until the right opportunity presents itself, I hope to find a niche, so to speak, in the community uses my skills and abilities.

I have just about TRUMPETED my search for a job to nearly everyone I have had the chance to meet.  And believe it or not, most folk seem supportive and not put-off in the least by my bringing my job hunt up.  One woman even passed on a few suggestions and a phone number.

I know that not everyone would take this same Step Out and Step Up approach , but it is one I am comfortable about taking.  How else are people going to know I am here and what I can do?  And no matter where you go, you will want friends.  And the best time to make them, is before you need them.  Who is to say which one of my new acquaintances may blossom into friendship?


    I'm MJ.  I just relocated to Cape Cod, Mass from Sneads Ferry, NC.  I decided to create a blog about this change of my life.


    September 2013
    August 2013

